Learn To Teach

Teaching Courses

An increasingly popular career choice, teaching is enjoying a resurgence of interest as following or even, a calling.

Teaching is becoming the number one goal for a growing number of people looking for satisfaction at work and job security along the career highway.

The TDAS, Training Development Agency for Schools has reported that since the winds of change that shook the Continue reading Learn To Teach

Producing High Quality Web Content

How To Provide High-Quality Content Google Prefers

It is now much more challenging to rank well in google since the introduction of their quality measuring algorithms.

Google search positions demand the highest quality written content you can produce. Your visitors need to cherish what you create.

Google will de-index a website identified to be influencing its SERPs results using Continue reading Producing High Quality Web Content


Recycling Resources

The raw materials of the earth, its resources, we have now come to appreciate, are not limitless. Indeed, once they have been used, there’s no going back for more when they’re gone.

It makes sense to reuse where and when we can, for instance, the recent levy on supermarket carrier bags, in favour of using the same bags again and again has produced some Continue reading Recycling

Safe Online Shopping

Safely Shopping Online

As within any financial transaction, there are always security issues to bear in mind when shopping online, but the risks can be kept to a minimum with some good old fashioned common sense.

Even if you are an experienced online shopper it’s worth reminding yourself from time to time of security issues.

It is not dissimilar to the pre-flight safety demonstration on board a ‘plane, you’ve probably heard it Continue reading Safe Online Shopping